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Meal Planning & Metabolic Health

Meal planning is a simple yet a powerful tool of deciding in advance the foods and meals that will be consumed for the next few days. It can be as effortless as deciding which recipes to use and creating a grocery list, or as intricate as using artificial intelligence to create personalized meal planning to suit one’s dietary...

Is It Hard to Follow? -Ketogenic Diet Adherence

The ketogenic diet is known for its effectiveness in promoting weight loss and improving metabolic health, but adherence is a key challenge. Adherence to dietary plans and guidelines is especially important for those with metabolic conditions for improved health. However, studies generally report low levels of adherence to the ketogenic diet.

5 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Ketogenic Diet

The ketogenic diet focuses on eating very low amounts of carbohydrate and high amounts of fat and has gained the public’s interest for its potential role in promoting weight loss and improving metabolic health. However, with its benefits closely tied to the stringent restriction on carbohydrate intake, the ketogenic diet can easily be rendered ineffective and difficult to follow through small deviations. Here are common mistakes to...

What Is Carb Cycling?

What Is Carb Cycling? Restriction of carbohydrate intake has been a subject of great interest to both the public and the research community.1 Studies of low-carbohydrate diets such as the ketogenic diet have shown improvements in weight and metabolic profiles through inducing a state of ketosis. However, such diets have largely been scrutinized in the athletic community,...

Glycemic Control: Key to Metabolic Health

Metabolic health is often defined by what it is not: the absence of conditions or factors that increase the risk of cardiometabolic disorders. Experts typically describe being metabolically healthy as the absence of metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, diabetes, and/or high blood pressure (ie, hypertension).